

The origins of the Carnival are traced back to the Roman Saturnalia that were celebrated in honor of the new year. However, the etymology of the term "carnival" probably comes from the Latin "carnem levare": in ancient times the expression indicated the banquet held on the last day just before the period of abstinence and fasting of meat of Christian Lent . In fact, in the Catholic-Roman liturgical calendar the carnival is located between the Epiphany (6 January) and, precisely, the Lent. Among the most famous and important we find the Venice Carnival which, established by the Venetian oligarchies to give the population a period dedicated to fun and festivities, has as its iconic characteristic the masking, born to annul any form of social, sexual or religious affiliation. Every year the Venice Carnival transforms the lagoon into a large and evocative popular festival considered unique for its history, atmosphere and disguises. During the Carnival weeks there are many events for the streets and squares of the city but there are also many events, such as private parties and masked balls inside the great Venetian palaces where you can immerse yourself in the ancient splendor. But the most fascinating moment, which every year attracts many tourists, is the spectacular Flight of the Angel, which involves the descent of an artist on a rope from the Campanile di San Marco towards the Palazzo Ducale.

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